1. Passwords Vaults

Password vaults (sometimes called password managers) store all of your passwords in one location. They have a number of advantages. You can use them to create strong passwords for each site along with a unique username. So even if one site does get hacked somehow (highly unlikely) then all of your other site credentials are safe. Password vaults have the added advantage that you can log on to your sites automatically when you join your password vault. Good password managers include LastPass, Dashlane and Keepass. Though they are far safer than standard password practices, they are not invulnerable, and some have been the target of attacks. But many give the option of storing all of your passwords locally on a device, meaning that there is nothing for hackers to hack if they do get in. Use this where possible.

2. Two Factor Authentication

The best security innovation in the past decade is known as Two Factor Authentication (2FA). When you wish to log on to a site, an additional verification code will be sent to your phone. So even if hackers have access to your username and password, they will not be able to hack into sites with 2FA enabled. All of your priority sites (banks, shopping sites etc) should be 2FA as it eliminates any chances of these accounts being compromised. To enable 2FA, simply download Google Authenticator from the app store. A code will be generated for each site every 30 seconds. 2FA can also be done by email, but this is far less secure.

3. Virtual Private Networks

A VPN is a great way to ensure privacy and security and to protect your passwords online. They encrypt all of your connections so that hackers cannot spy on what you are doing. When you connect to a site, a hacker could be listening in. But with a VPN, the message gets scrambled. VPN’s are the holy grail in terms of online security and should always be used due to the many benefits they offer. Additionally, you can prevent hackers from access to your IP address with a high-quality VPN. NordVPN and ExpressVPN are among a number of top VPNs that have distinct advantages over free versions.

How to Keep Your Passwords Unexposed Online – Conclusion

There are many additional things you can do to keep your passwords safe, such as choosing strong passwords and not saving passwords to browsers. But these tricks are no longer enough to ensure online safety in an age of cyber security. The three best ways to protect your passwords are with a password vault, with 2FA and by using a VPN.